How many Treatments will I need?

There are many factors that determine how many treatments you might need. Some of the factors that impact your recovery include your age, overall health and well being, severity and length of current condition, and lifestyle/diet. Generally speaking, most people see results in 1-3 treatments with their primary condition completely resolving in 4-8 treatments. From chronic, long-standing conditions it might take upwards of 10+ treatments spread over the course of 3 months.

How often do you suggest that I come?

For most conditions, once a week at the beginning is recommended. Once you start to get relief that is lasting a full week then I suggest coming in for treatment every other week and then on a monthly basis for tune-ups until the symptoms have resolved. After that, I always recommend patients to come in at the change of seasons for a tune-up to keep the body healthy, immune system intact, and pain-free.

How many needles are used per treatment?

Once again this is a case by case basis and can be completely tailored to meet your needs and desires. Usually there are two parts to each treatment and for each section there is about 10-15 needles placed.

Does Acupuncture hurt?

Most people do not feel the acupuncture needles; however, there are some people that are more aware of the needles. Stress and menstrual cycles can play a factor in how the needles feel when inserted. Once the needles are inserted, patients may experience a heavy, dull, itchy, or subtle ache which is actually a sign that the acupuncture needle is positively affecting the body. If this is ever too much for individuals we can tailor the intensity back to help achieve a comfortable state.

Is Acupuncture relaxing?

Yes! Many of my patients find acupuncture to be extremely relaxing. Acupuncture releases different neurotransmitters such as endorphins and serotonin that modulate the central nervous system.